Lotus Trolley Bag can simplify your grocery routine

Lotus Trolley Bags featured in Treehugger

 A compact bundle unrolls into a brilliant set of bags that you'll never forget at home again. The key to making one's lifestyle more environmentally friendly, I've come to realize, is convenience. When adopting new habits is easy, people are eager to do so. But when it creates additional work, these eco-friendly changes tend to fall by the wayside. READ MORE 

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SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE - Carlsbad couple has shopping in the bag

SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE - Carlsbad couple has shopping in the bag

NewsBlaze: California Couple Take On Australia’s Plastic Epidemic

NewsBlaze: California Couple Take On Australia’s Plastic Epidemic

Got plastic bag anxiety? This grocery bag system promises to take it all away

Got plastic bag anxiety? This grocery bag system promises to take it all away